Wednesday 21 March 2012

Orang luar negara daaa

                                             ni kot orang yang datang visit tu hahahaha

Hahaha xsangke aku orang luar negara jumpe blog aku..korang semua mesti dah siap ada pengikut or followers dari luar negara kan ( bagi yang wat dalam English ler).. aku rase dia salah tekan the way thanx a lot to that gurl/guy that visit me from brazil.. I feel excited and I think after this once or twice a week I will post in English and about environmental protection… OFCOURSE!!! Its all about a global thing. Nowadays everyone need to think green, do green and build green in order to save our mother EARTH. Years after years we destroy our earth now it is times to save the earth.. new generation new green generation. Some people always said.. our earth and the thing inside it we borrow it from our next generation. So everyone we need to treasure it, in order to show our son or grandchildren the greenery of earth.. Sorry grammar error.. saya xtau sgt English ni hahaha…

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