Tuesday 24 April 2012

Practical trainee-New ways of education :)

Wahhhh!!! Sudah bersawang ma..wa punye blog huuhu…lama sgt sikit bnyk sgt the way hari ni aku akan membongkarkan segala apa yang terjadi di tempat praktikal aku selama 4 bulan huhu…. Alam Flora..satu nama yang tidak asing lagi bagi seluruh penduduk di Malaysia.. Alam Flora merupakan syarikat konsesi yang menguruskan pelupusan sampah secara berterusan. N tempat ni la merupakan tempat praktikal aku sebagai pelajar pengurusan alam sekitar. Tapi masa aku terang aku guna bahasa Inggeris k..walaupun broken grammar sebab report praktikal aku bahasa Inggeris huahahaha..pandai2 korang la nak translate nanti..sambil2 tu boleh improve bahasa Inggeris kan huhu

First month/register myself to Alam Flora


On first day of coming to Alam Flora, I am quite nervous about it because from my point of view Alam Flora is a privatize company. Strictly and discipline is important. But I am wrong because at my first step I met Cik Raihana from that smiling when she meet me and I have been introduce to all of staff in Alam Flora that kind of friendly to me. I also meet with Cik Noraini, Hadafi and Shamsul that is same department as me (Safety,Health and Environment(SHE)). Second day of work I have been given task to describe and understanding the SOP concept in Alam Flora. SOP stand for standard operating procedure. SOP is something that been used globally at almost 90% operation of the company in the world.

Third day I attend a meeting with SHE staff and this is more likely to be a huge meeting that occupy what is more important that the others. About 2 hours meeting, I just take note in my note book and after the meeting ended Dr. Ramizu told me to go to Kajang depot to make an IMSA audit based on criteria that we need. We go to all places and check very detailed on each of criteria in order to move on without been given problem after that. In Kuantan we got new depot site much bigger than in Kajang my supervisor told me to search on water treatment plant that can achieve high performance and quality..

Second week

On second week, I have been asking by Shamsul to edit inventory of schedule waste of Alam Flora operation. I use all that I learn from Shamsul and readily put all inside the table. For the water treatment plant I further my research by Contact Company of water treatment plant for leachate purpose. This time I got to learn ways of communication with people from other company. Its exciting experience for me huhu. I feel like that time that I am the boss.                      

Third week

On third week I have task that need to follow up vendor for schedule waste battery. I call Diyana Idris from Unique Cycle Sdn Bhd and she said the letter will post to us in this week. Then I fulfill document for register of accident, dangerous, occurrence, occupational, disease of year 2011. the document of accident is really complicated one. I must fill up the document by checking on the code that been provided in an old book. However, I believe that these ways of fulfilling document are more systematic and tidy. Then check the detail and consequences of water treatment plant towards depot Kuantan. I believe that the most reasonable water treatment plant by using bioremediation treatment by using reed bed plant. This type of plant can clean up the leachate and process it into pure water. Reed bed plant also the cheapest one among the others treatment plant.

Week 4

Update inventory for schedule waste again in the list of inventory of schedule waste of Alam Flora operation. Read through EMS manual, EMS manual is an environmental management system. All aspect of environment had been concern with the works of each department. A system must be included one people that represent their department.

Meeting on ISO 14001 and environment requirement annually. This meeting held in order to ensure all the environmental requirement been developed in order to settle it before audit session. And I handle the easiest job because I am new to this company.
Okay guys… see you next time on FIQRIZ world…


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